If you are new to CLF, please fill out our Connection Card here.
- Worship Services-- 9:00 & 10:45 am****, nursery* & kid's church** available during both services, youth Sunday school following worship in 2nd service
- Holy Spirit class 10:45 am
*ages 2 & under
**ages 3 yrs (potty trained)--5th grade
***ages 6th-12th grades
****sign language interpretation available
This week:
>>October 7th
6:30 pm Young Adult group
>>October 8th
10:00 am Senior Coffee Hour
6:00 pm PAL (Parents of Addicted Loved Ones) group meeting
>>October 9th
6:30 pm Awana, Youth group, Men's & Women's groups; sign up for Awana here, ages 3 yrs-5th grade
>>October 10th--PRAY THE DAY
9:30 am Group prayer
5:30 pm Prayer team
5:30 pm Celebrate Recovery
October 11-13--Women's retreat, Quaker Hill, McCall, last day to sign up here
Upcoming event
October 31--Light in the Night, 6:00 pm-7:30 pm, sign up here
>>Mark your calendars:
Freedom Fighters Men's Purity Group begins this fall, dates & times TBA, talk to Pastor Jeremy or Garrett Anderson if you are interested in joining this group
To contact CLF:
Phone: 541.889.7264
Email: mail@clfontario.org
Facebook: Christian Life Fellowship Ontario, OR
To subscribe to our email list:
click Contact Us and you can subscribe
To subscribe to our prayer chain:
email or call the CLF office and request to be added
If you are able to give:
Mail in a check, CLF, 366 SE 5th St, Ontario, OR 97914
Bill Pay through your bank
Click for our Giving tab
Text 541.897.9063
1 Chronicles 16:14
He is the Lord our God;
His judgements are in all the earth.