October 6, 2024

Purpose Statement:

"This family of believers exists to love God, 

follow Jesus, 

and make Christ known by the power of the Holy Spirit."

If you are new to CLF, please fill out our Connection Card here.


  • Worship Services-- 9:00 & 10:45 am****, nursery* & kid's church** available during both services, youth Sunday school following worship in 2nd service                                                              
  • Holy Spirit class 10:45 am

*ages 2 & under

**ages 3 yrs (potty trained)--5th grade

***ages 6th-12th grades

****sign language interpretation available

This week:

>>October 7th

6:30 pm  Young Adult group

>>October 8th

10:00 am   Senior Coffee Hour

6:00 pm   PAL (Parents of Addicted Loved Ones) group meeting

>>October 9th

6:30 pm   Awana, Youth group, Men's & Women's groups; sign up for Awana here, ages 3 yrs-5th grade

>>October 10th--PRAY THE DAY

9:30 am  Group prayer

5:30 pm  Prayer team

5:30 pm  Celebrate Recovery

October 11-13--Women's retreat, Quaker Hill, McCall, last day to sign up here 

Upcoming event

October 31--Light in the Night, 6:00 pm-7:30 pm, sign up here

>>Mark your calendars:

Freedom Fighters Men's Purity Group begins this fall, dates & times TBA, talk to Pastor Jeremy or Garrett Anderson if you are interested in joining this group

To contact CLF:

Phone: 541.889.7264
Email: mail@clfontario.org
Facebook: Christian Life Fellowship Ontario, OR

To subscribe to our email list:

click Contact Us and you can subscribe

To subscribe to our prayer chain:

email or call the CLF office and request to be added

If you are able to give:

Mail in a check, CLF, 366 SE 5th St, Ontario, OR 97914

Bill Pay through your bank

Click for our Giving tab

Text 541.897.9063

1 Chronicles 16:14

He is the Lord our God;

His judgements are in all the earth.

September 29, 2024

Purpose Statement:

"This family of believers exists to love God, follow Jesus, and make Christ known by the power of the Holy Spirit."

If you are new to CLF, please fill out our Connection Card here.


  • Worship Services-- 9:00 & 10:45 am****, nursery* & kid's church** available during both services, youth Sunday school following worship in 2nd service                                                              
  • Holy Spirit class 10:45 am
  • Young Marrieds group @ the Mullins home, 5:00 pm, dinner served, no child care provided
  • *ages 2 & under

    **ages 3 yrs (potty trained)--5th grade

    ***ages 6th-12th grades

    ****sign language interpretation available

    This week:

    >>September 30th

    6:30 pm  Young Adult group

    >>October 1st

    10:00 am   Senior Coffee Hour

    6:00 pm   PAL (Parents of Addicted Loved Ones) group meeting

    >>October 2nd

    6:30 pm   Awana, Youth group, Men's & Women's groups; sign up for Awana here, ages 3 yrs-5th grade

    >>October 3rd

    9:30 am  Group prayer

    5:30 pm  Prayer team

    5:30 pm  Celebrate Recovery

    >>October 5th

    8:00 am   Men's prayer breakfasts @ 2 locations: Erika's Kitchen, Payette OR 921 John Day Hwy, Vale

    Upcoming events

    October 10--Pray the Day

    October 11-13--Women's retreat, Quaker Hill, McCall, sign up here by September 15 for early bird pricing

    October 31--Light in the Night, 6:00 pm-7:30 pm, details soon

    >>Mark your calendars:

    Freedom Fighters Men's Purity Group begins this fall, dates & times TBA, talk to Pastor Jeremy or Garrett Anderson if you are interested in joining this group

    To contact CLF:

    Phone: 541.889.7264
    Email: mail@clfontario.org
    Facebook: Christian Life Fellowship Ontario, OR

    To subscribe to our email list:

    click Contact Us and you can subscribe

    To subscribe to our prayer chain:

    email or call the CLF office and request to be added

    If you are able to give:

    Mail in a check, CLF, 366 SE 5th St, Ontario, OR 97914

    Bill Pay through your bank

    Click for our Giving tab

    Text 541.897.9063

    How do you know if you're really a servant?

    By how you respond when people treat you like a servant.