Recovery, Support, and Accountability

Sexual addiction is rampant in our culture, communities, and churches. 

This addiction manifests  in many different behaviors, but we believe that forgiveness, redemption, reconciliation, and freedom is available through Jesus Christ! 

If you are an individual that struggles with a porn addiction or another form of sexual brokenness we have resources and support available.  

Conquer Groups

We have the Conquer Series DVD's available for groups or individuals. If you are interested in this resource or  being part of a Conquer group for accountability, please contact the church office or contact Doug or Jeremy

Pornography use is prevalent among all age groups, gravely harmful to relationships, and erodes real community within your church. 

CLF has a Community Group that equips you and your family to be protected from online threats through use of quality accountability software, resources, and a sense of connection. 

Community members have 24/7 access to transformative educational resources for families, men, women, and youth. By joining this community you receive a discounted monthly subscription for accountability software and more. 

                                 Click the link for more info or to join the community.